Donate to Hurricane Katrina Relief

If you are able and willing, you can donate to the hurricane Katrina relief fund through the links below. If you know of any other charities, please add them to the comments below.

Craig's List has links and phone numbers for charities other than the Red Cross (like the United Methodist Committee on Relief that Amy mentions below) if you wish to do so.

American Red Cross donations:

To make a donation by phone, call 1-800-HELP-NOW (435-7669). Spanish speakers can call 1-800-257-7575.

Find out where to donate blood here:

If you'd like to know how you can help locally, here is the Sacramento Sierra Red Cross chapter:

If you can spare a room and offer free housing to hurricane evacuees, please go here:

Habitat for Humanity will be rebuilding many homes in the Gulf Coast area
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ACORN is also accepting donations
ACORN is one of the organizations that have mobilized against Ahnold.

ACORN is a community organization of low- and moderate-income families working together for social justice and stronger communities since 1970. Their headquarters was located in New Orleans, and they are already in contact with thousands of needy families throughout the Gulf Coast. Contributions to ACORN are tax-deductible:

Donate here:
Another relief agency
is United Methodist Committee on Relief. All of UMCOR's admin expenses are paid by the denomination, so 100% of all donations goes directly to relief.